Frank Delaglio, Ph.D.

19804 Maycrest Way
Germantown MD 20876 USA

301 806-0867

NMRPipe Processing Functions
SHUF: Shuffle Utilities.

Flag Argument Default Description
 -ri2c Interleave Real/Imag.
 -c2ri Separate Real/Imag.
 -ri2rr Append Real/Imag.
 -rr2ri Unapppend Real/Imag.
 -exlr Exchange Left/Right Halves.
 -rolr Rotate Left/Right Halves.
 -swap Swap Real/Imag.
 -bswap Four-Byte Swap.
 -r2i Real to Integer Format.
 -i2r Integer to Real Format.
 -inv Inverse for -exlr of odd point count.